We are nearing the end of our regular rehearsals. It has been so fun and has all gone so fast. We are about to tech week already. We have one more Saturday work day. I have a lot to get done this Saturday still. My crew has been working really hard to get this set done. We have almost all of the platforms made and painted. We still have to do wood graining and make one more pillar and make it look all pretty. We have one more platform and a ramp to make. But the good news is that we can stay late next Saturday to get stuff done. You can see how much we have been doing by this picture.
The set waffles making our pillars!- Anika, Gerrit, and James
We also get pretty messy. We paint, but luckily we have drop cloths. This styrofoam was all over the place. We got it stuck to our clothes, all over the floor, and everywhere else. The best part of being a part of the process is that as you make the set, you get to see it in action during the week. As we make the set, they use it, which gives us a chance to problem solve. We had to add the ramp because the step down from the top platform was too big of a step. We had some creaky platforms, which we tried to solve as best we could, but it’s not easy to make it silent.
I am so excited to get the set done this Saturday and start tech week. We have been working really hard on this show, and I am really excited for everybody to see it! This has been such a fun experience for me.
-Travis Cooper
Hameon/Eddie/Lead Set Designer