Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Moving into Tech Week

So far, in my opinion, our production of Honk Jr. is going very well.  From the start of rehearsals, I did not like the script one bit, but now that we have made changes and made it the most honest we can, I have different thoughts than I did at the beginning of the process.

During the last run through that we had, I was thinking that there was a lot of improvement from the last time I saw the whole show.  The honesty was better, people were leaning in, and the energy was higher than the last time.  The lines were mostly down, and I was getting more confident about the show in general.  I think that if there are a few things I could do better, it would  be still having a lot of energy during certain songs and leaning in.

Moving into tech week, I am feeling nervous but mostly excited.  I am only nervous because now we are in a new space and performances are coming up so soon.  I am very excited because it’s finally tech week, we can see the show in a bigger space, and we will be having  performances soon.  I think this week we will accomplish a lot and definitely be ready for the performances.  I will keep reminding myself that I need to be listening, leaning in, keep having  the stakes up high, having a lot of energy, being honest, and having lots of fun,

I am looking forward to the performances, and I am having lots of fun during this production of Honk Jr.

-Adi Siegel (Beaky)

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Adi! You are totally doing a great job of leaning in during Honk!, and I believe that we all are too! Hopefully next weekend will be as great as last!
