I have enjoyed my time at Story Theater Company. Me being new to this program, I am not use to such a close relationship with my peers. Being in Costumes is a personal joy. I have an opportunity to work with everyone, allowing for a much more personal relationship with my cast. Our director, Kivan Kirk, has taught us in a way that allows us to figure out how to act by ourselves. It truly allows us to find an inner peace within ourselves. We really get to know ourselves.
I have met a lot of new friends and I am learning to work and communicate with my fellow workers. I am especially close to my scene partner, Elizabeth Cowley. We have been friends for a while and it was luck that got us in the same scene. We have been able to work on scenes in study hall as well as in our acting and tech classes. I know that after this production we will still be close friends, but the best part about this production is that I know I will be friends with all of my cast mates.
I have been acting for only two years now and I know that this has been the best acting experience of my acting career. All other productions I have done have been done through the school. When I worked with my school there was a cast of 70 people. Half of them I didn't know and the others I was not in a scene with. Here at Story Theater Company I truly feel like I have built a strong relationship with all of my cast mates. I also have been able to form a great relationship with my directors. In school plays I only was able to talk with my director if I did something wrong. Here I know I am truly getting the full focus of how I can improve.
I look forward to doing more Story Theater Company productions in the future. I can not wait to build even more relationship with more cast members and strengthen the already existing ones from this production. The better part of this is with each new production there are new scenarios to figure out. This experience has been one of the best. I can not wait to see how much further I get into the world of acting.
Drew Wilson
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